Friday, November 03, 2006

Catching up: 5 months at the AP, part 1

I write a lot of stories each day -- five, ten, sometimes twenty -- that go out on the Web without my byline on them. That was surprising to me at first, but I've made my peace. Plus, do I really need credit for crunching numbers and essentially rewriting a press release? Some recent samples, from the third-quarter earnings season:

Sina Corp.
aQuantive Inc.

It's not poetry by any means. And the beat reporter who covers Sina may decide to rewrite my version and sign their name to it. Such is wire service life.

In between press releases, I squeeze in as much reporting and writing as I can safely without having a multitasking-induced breakdown.

Conde Nast's Wired buys reddit

What should Google do?

Why am I showing you only Yahoo Finance pages? It's the easiest place for me to find archived versions.

Now, back to work. Earnings season's almost over...thank god.


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